Retaining The Edge – December 2017

Retaining The Edge – December 2017

Wow! December already and another year gone.

I do hope you are taking each day, each week, and each month to grow and become the single very best YOU. Last month I spoke about three habits that helped me overcome things in my life, I’d like to follow on from that and share a few other things about habits.

When you really boil it down, our life is a series of habits. We learn things (both good and bad) and then we choose what we do with the things we learn. Our habits can and do cause a variety of emotions in ourselves and with those we share our day with. I’d like to touch on a few habits I think are important.

I’m going to start with CARING. If you care at all you’ll get some results, but if you care enough you can get incredible results. If you care enough you can help someone. If you care enough you can set some records. If you care enough you can change it all. If you care enough you can succeed at almost anything, and if you care enough you can win. Care about yourself. Care about others. Care about life and make it special.

It’s a good idea to REFLECT. In other words, to go back over and experience again. When you go through something, it’s a good idea to sit down and think about it again. Even if it will make you sad or give you pain it will help make you a richer person in terms of the full spectrum of emotional content. You should reflect on positive things too – in fact reflect on them frequently.

At the end of each day I take a few minutes to reflect on that day. It helps me lock in my consciousness and serves me well in preparation for the next day. Each day is a piece of the mosaic of our life. Take time to reflect.

My favorite habit is to ACT. I don’t mean like an actor, I mean to do, to accomplish, to put things into action. Without this, then reality eludes us. Activity is the vessel in which we pour the drama of our life so that it performs the miracle of creating reality. Put the activity into a health regime that will make you younger, put it into a relationship plan that will foster more love, put it into a career plan that will reap great rewards, put it into a goal setting plan and act upon it and you will create a masterpiece.

Habits. We all have them, we all repeat them, and we all react to them. I wonder what positive and up lifting habits you might like to share?


What I’m Enjoying:

My family just returned from our Thanksgiving break to Rancho Santana, Nicaragua. Why would I choose to visit Nicaragua for a vacation when I visit there almost every month and have my business there I hear you ask.

Well, it had been ten years since we last traveled there as a family. A lot has happened during those ten years and the three ladies in my life wanted to go see what Dad had been up to. We spent one day visiting a few of the farms, but overall saw many sights I’d never been to the past 16+ year! It was a great time to see Nicaragua from a visitors point of view. We had a wonderful time.

Quote I’m Pondering:
“The price of Greatness is responsibility”. – Winston Churchill

Book I’m Reading:
Given this month’s topic I wanted to understand some of the habits of one of the most respected men in the world. The SNOWBALL – Warren Buffet and the Business of Life, by Alice Schroeder. I just broke the book open a few days ago and can’t wait to learn more about this simple man who accomplished incredible things.

I hope you’re enjoying “Retaining The Edge” and that you’ll share with me some of the things you find helpful when you face challenges and disappointments.

Thanks for reading!

Make every day a terrific day.
