Retaining The Edge – November 2017

Retaining The Edge – November 2017

How well do you cope when things go wrong?

We all seem to operate well when things are going our way, but every now and then we are thrown a curve ball and when the poop hits the fan, the outcome really depends on the way you approach and react to the matter.

I’m constantly focused on doing the very best job I can. I insist the same in our company. But I’m a realist too, and if I’m perfectly honest, I most likely make as many (or more) mistakes than anyone I know. I learned long ago however, that making a mistake isn’t something to get frustrated or mad about. It actually means you were doing something, and when we do things there’s always the possibility to err. It is when one is doing nothing that wrinkles my shirt collars!

Here’s a few of the habits I have adapted over the years that help me overcome things when they don’t go as planned.

1. When I fail at something, I try never to lay blame. Last week I met up with Robert Kiyosaki in New Orleans. Robert likes to say, “When people are lame, they love to blame.” If you mess up, own it.

2.  As entrepreneurs, its important to crawl out from the ruins of failure and start all over again. Stay upbeat. Remain confident. Surround yourself with those that boost your morale. Ask for advice. Swing at the bat again because you’re bound to hit a home run if you keep swinging.

3. When a project, passion, or goal fails, it’s important to remain optimistic. Winston Churchill was defeated in many elections until he finally became Prime Minister at the age of 62. One of my favorite quotes of his is…”Success is moving from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” You have to keep your eye on the prize.

Farming is thwart with ups and downs. Perfect weather conditions one day, drought or massive flooding the next. Disease, pests (and I don’t mean cranky employees), and a gaggle of disasters waiting to happen. I like to approach every day with what it presents to me, and as you’ve read in these musings before, I start each day telling myself today is going to be another terrific day.

It seems to work out that way most of the time!


What I’m Enjoying:

I am always interested to discover new business ideas and the people behind them. Several months ago I met a smart young woman with a great idea. She’s in her early 30’s and a breathe of fresh air to spend time with. Her passion is helping average investors become educated on the very best ways to build an income-focused retirement plan.

After visiting our farms in Nicaragua earlier this summer, she shared an idea with me that I immediately wanted to help her launch. In the coming months we will be releasing this online educational platform. Many thanks goes out to a handful of our clients who have agreed to share their stories. This is going to be a very exciting project.

Quote I’m Pondering:
“Problems are only opportunities in work clothes”. – Frederick R. Koppel

Video I Recommend:
Given this month’s topic of moving on from things that go wrong, I wanted to share a hit single from the 80’s in the U.K. by two of my favorite artists of the time. Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush. Don’t Give Up. Great memories. Watch HERE

I hope you’re enjoying “Retaining The Edge” and that you’ll share with me some of the things you find helpful when you face challenges and disappointments.

Thanks for reading!

Make every day a terrific day.
